
The Ultimate Guide to Hybrid Events [Free Report]

Download this report to explore the benefits of hybrid events.

While the majority of planners agree that the future is hybrid, some remain unconvinced in the novel event format and others are put off by the logistical challenges of planning two experiences and the daunting task of delivering productive connections across audiences.

Planners need practical solutions that will deliver the crucial audience reach and engagement they need to host profitable events until capacities are back to normal. They need a format they can sell their clients, sponsors and other stakeholders, and then execute in a way that maintains their brand standards for great experiences. And to accomplish this, they need a hand getting on the hybrid bandwagon.

To prepare event professionals for hybrid events, Hopin has explored the key benefits of embracing them in a report replete with useful tips.


Social Virtues

Hybrid formats make events more inclusive, accessible, sustainable, and flexible to a new generation of at-home professionals who work to live and who balance their professional and personal obligations.


Virtual connections open your event up to more content opportunities from more speakers around the world.


Hybrid events enjoy a much expanded reach, giving you access to more customers and more sponsorship-based revenue. Avoid the virtual and in-person experiences competing with each other through early marketing (ensuring people who want to travel can plan for it), selling periods (sell virtual once in person slots are full), and by offering perks for attending onsite.


A hybrid format does not require you to plan two events; the virtual experience underscores and supplements the onsite experience.